Youth Transition Services

Mock Interview Events

Do you remember your first job interview? Or would you prefer NOT to remember? You never get a second chance to make a first impression, but wouldn’t it be great if that all important first impression was actually your 3rd or 4th chance? Benton Employment Solutions wants to make that a reality for our local high school students with disabilities. 

Please see our Community Events page for more details on scheduled events, including our 3rd Annual KZoo Mock Interviews. 

Cost to Employer:


Discovery Tours

During the school year, Benton Employment Solutions and our partners will conduct Discovery Tours to expose many students to a plethora of jobs and the skills necessary to forge a successful career in that field. Employer participants would be expected to:

  • Speak to a group of students about your industry, career fields within that industry, and the skills needed to achieve success.
  • Provide a tour of your facility if appropriate.
  • Conduct a Q&A session for students at the end of the session.

Discovery Tour stops will last approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the needs of the employer, and be scheduled ahead of time to accommodate your business. ​

Cost to Employer:


Student Work Experience

Work Experience Providers gain an individual or group of students to integrate into their business as workers for 2-6 weeks. The student(s) would be:

  • Given a schedule and job responsibilities.
  • Expected to conduct themselves as employees of your business.
  • Work towards goals and expectations set by a supervisor.

While the student(s) would be providing services for your company, they would be employed, paid, and insured by Benton Employment Solutions. We would participate in the training of the student(s), and provide necessary job coaching and retention services. 

Cost to Employer:
